robnptests - Robust Nonparametric Two-Sample Tests for Location/Scale
Implementations of several robust nonparametric two-sample
tests for location or scale differences. The test statistics
are based on robust location and scale estimators, e.g. the
sample median or the Hodges-Lehmann estimators as described in
Fried & Dehling (2011) <doi:10.1007/s10260-011-0164-1>. The
p-values can be computed via the permutation principle, the
randomization principle, or by using the asymptotic
distributions of the test statistics under the null hypothesis,
which ensures (approximate) distribution independence of the
test decision. To test for a difference in scale, we apply the
tests for location difference to transformed observations; see
Fried (2012) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2011.02.012>. Random noise on
a small range can be added to the original observations in
order to hold the significance level on data from discrete
distributions. The location tests assume homoscedasticity and
the scale tests require the location parameters to be zero.